Contract Opportunities open to VCFSE

Children & Young People Mental Health Digital Service
The Southend Essex and Thurrock (SET) Executive Collaborative Commissioning Forum is looking to improve digital and remote access to mental health support and counselling services for children and young people (CYP), enhancing the mental health of young people and their families across the seven Essex CCG localities, Essex County Council, Southend Borough Council and Thurrock Council.

Locally, commissioners recognise that CAMHS are struggling to meet growing demand from young people for mental health services and are exploring how digital technologies can help support young people in a less resource-intensive way-especially where young people do not need the level of specialist community intervention that CAMHS provides.

Pan Essex Keyworker Service for Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities and or Autism – Market Engagement Event
The pan Essex Integrated LD Commissioning Team have been successful in its bid for NHSE Funding to implement a Keyworker Service for Children and Young People (C&YP) with Learning Disabilities (LD) and/or Autism, on behalf of the Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) Transforming Care Partnership (TCP). The NHS Long Term Plan sets out the requirement to reduce the number of C&YP with learning disabilities and autism placed in an in-patient setting to between 12-15 per million population. Building the right support has three key outcomes that the SET TCP is committed to delivering; improving the quality of life for people in inpatient services and community settings, improving the quality of care for people in inpatient services and community settings, and to reduce reliance on inpatient settings.

Substance Misuse Needs Assessment
Southend-on-Sea City Council are inviting quotes from experienced bidders to develop a SubstanceMisuse Needs Assessment (SMNA) for Southend. The SMNA needs to describe the impact of substance misuse across the population, review current service provision for adults and children, and identify any gaps.

To access the opportunities, go to the Gov.UK website contract page or Southend-on-Sea Council Procurement page.

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