Healthwatch Thurrock celebrate #childrensmentalhealthweek

To mark Children’s Mental Health Week (5th – 11th February) Healthwatch Thurrock ran a drawing challenge asking children of Thurrock to draw something that makes them happy. We promised to share the entries throughout #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek.

Check out the incredible entries below! A massive thank you to the children who took the time to create their masterpieces and another big thank you to their parents who sent them in to us!

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Children and teachers at Quince Tree Day Nursery in South Ockendon. They have made their own superhero!

Kawaljit Kaur aged 8, who said, “This makes me happy because I like the movie Harry Potter and there’s an owl named Hedwig in the movie”.

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Doodle Land by Harman in Year 4, they said “I like it because it helps me not get aggressive and makes me feel joyful

My family make me happy because they look after me, feed me, buy me things and love me with all their heart. My friends make me happy because they always entertain me, make me feel loved and they always support me. Music makes me happy because it relieves my mind. This drawing makes me happy because it reminds me of the time I went on holiday

I like it because it makes me feel creative, joyful and grateful”.

Hi, everyone. My name is Marian and I’m a happy little boy, in y4 at Quarry Hill Academy. I like to draw, it makes me happy. What makes me happy when I draw this picture, I imagined myself at the Cinema, with my family, watching a movie and eating some Crisps. I hope you like my drawing“!

Isabelle Simmons, aged 8 years. She said “Swimming makes me happy because I love to do swimming and I’m really really good at swimming”.

Eshal Salauddin, age 8.

Shifa Fahad, aged 5 years “I like belle because she wears a pretty yellow dress. Princess dresses are my favourite!”.

Ivy Long, age 11. “I have drawn some dogs as they always make me happy! They are cute and are always happy to see people and play. Hopefully I get a dog of my own one day“.

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Emily Shiposh, aged 8 years.

Victoria who’s 8 years old. “Humming birds are colourful, that’s why I love humming birds, I love nature a lot. I love humming birds they remind me of nature!

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Ayzah Muhit, 5yrs old. “This is a picture of me and Bluey sharing rainbow ice cream. I drew rainbow ice cream because it exists and it looks beautiful and delicious. Bluey is my favourite TV show and she wanted rainbow ice-cream too on the show that’s why I drew her.

Emilia Peachey, aged 4. She said “This picture is of the sky, Daddy, me, my brother Noah, and Anna from Frozen and a rainbow. My mummy makes me happy too, but I ran out of space“.

Below you’ll find a list of resources that Healthwatch Thurrock have put together for your information.

Place 2 be: our approach to children’s and young people’s mental health is to intervene early to prevent long life mental health issues

My Mind TV: mental health resources for children – a source of safe, reliable information and support about mental health and wellbeing for all

YoungMinds: We’re the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
We want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.
Find out more about who we are, the work we’re doing and what we’re trying to achieve

For local support, check out SET CAMHS (Southend, Essex and Thurrock Children’s and Adolescent Mental Health Service) : The Southend, Essex and Thurrock Child and Adolescents Mental Health Service (SET CAMHS) provides advice and support to children, young people and families who are in need of support with their emotional wellbeing or mental health difficulties.
Any young person, concerned parent, care giver or a responsible adult of a young person can access the SET CAMHS by either making an appointment to see their young person’s GP with them, or accessing our services for information.
We provide a range of support for young people, so to ensure that we direct your referral accordingly please complete our online referral form with as much detail as possible

NSPCC: Recognising the signs that a child may be struggling with their mental health can be really hard. We’ve got advice to help you support children who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm

Thanks to all involved!